Friday, October 23, 2009

Kayaking around Bainbridge Island

We decided it would be a fun adventure to kayak around Bainbridge Island - all 56 miles of it (and we thought it would be bragging rights worthy). It's been so fun to be able to see parts of the Island that we would have otherwise not been able to see - parts only accessible via kayak. We started in August and are about half way done. It was nice and sunny when we started and now it's starting to get chilly, but come rain or shine, we're going to finish. OK, so on the days that it's too rainy, we may reschedule. :) Enjoy through pictures what we REALLY get to enjoy! :)

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Love the new blog! I'm sure we'll be treated to lots (and lots and lots and lots and lots . . .) of pictures. :-)